Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A Little "Me Time"

Recently, "Me Time" is sitting down with a cup of coffee (albeit sometimes instant) or iced tea by my side and a blank canvas (computer screen) in front of me. It's time when the Itty Bitty is asleep in her crib and the Hubster is away at work. The apartment is still and quite--all except the hum of a floor fan and the low buzz of the baby monitor. Sounds I can easily block out to get into "The Zone."

My newest hobby is free-writing with a twist. It's actually free-typing, but carries with it the same idea as a the old school, free-write with pen and ink. I'm using www.750words.com as my catalyst right now. It challenges me to write at least 750 words each day. Hence the name 750 Words.

Every time I've written so far, it gets my mind thinking and my thoughts stirring. It helps me pull together the miscellaneous (yes, I just spelled that word correctly WITHOUT using spell check) thoughts in my mind that often seem fragmented and incomplete. And sometimes I realize thoughts I didn't even know I was thinking.

It's hard to describe the sense of satisfaction it gives me to type my heart out and, at the end, see what's there. It's refreshing, invigorating, and inspiring.

What do you do for your own "Me Time"?